Did you know car crashes are the leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 13? Ensure your child is buckled up safely by following these guidelines to keep them safe.
Oklahoma law requires every child under 8 years old to be properly secured in a child passenger restraint system.
How to choose a car seat:
0-2 years: By law, children under 2 must be properly secured in a rear-facing car seat.
2-4 years: Must be in a car seat until age 4.
4-8 years: Must be in a car seat or child booster seat until at least age 8, unless the child is taller than 4'9".
8 years or taller than 4'9": Should wear a seat belt.
Regardless of age, the back seat is always the safest place for children.
Buckle them up, every trip, every time. It's the law.

Is Your Car Seat Installed Correctly?
Keep your child safely secured every time they're in the car.
How to choose a car seat:
Learn about the four car seat types:
Rear-facing car seat
Forward-facing car seat
Booster seat
Seat belt
Visit an inspection station to ensure your car seat is installed correctly
Keep your child safe in a car seat
Car Seat Recommendations:
As children grow, how they sit in your car will change. Make sure you use a car seat that fits your child’s current size and age.
Not all car seats fit in all vehicles. Find a Safe Kids Oklahoma or Safe Kids Tulsa event near you to ensure your car seat is installed correctly.
Buy a car seat that can be installed and used correctly every time.
Keep your child in the back seat at least through age 12.