The national estimate of seat belt use by adult front-seat passengers in 2020 was 90.3 percent. In Oklahoma, the seat belt usage is 84 percent — ranking us at No. 43 nationally. Though 84 percent may seem high to some, we can and should aim higher when so many fatalities are preventable.
Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt is supporting increased seat belt usage statewide as one of Oklahoman’s Top Ten initiatives with a goal of increasing usage by 10 percent within the next few years.
Did you know wearing your seat belt could reduce the risk of fatal injury by 45 percent? The Oklahoma Department of Transportation and Oklahoma Turnpike Authority ask motorists to be our safety partners by buckling up each and every time they get into a vehicle.

Seat belts are the most effective safety feature available in vehicles today.
Buckling Up Makes a Difference
Shelly Williams speaks out about the importance of buckling your seat belt and shares how the loss of her 17-year-old son, Cody, in a crash still impacts her family today.
No Excuses
Whatever your excuse is, it’s not good enough. Wear your seat belt — It’s Not Just About You.
I Buckle
These Oklahomans buckle up. Do you?
Buckle Up OK
The most important decision you can make.
Brad & Lacy Harmon
Brad and Lacy Harmon remember their late son, Trevor, who was killed in a car accident 14 years ago, and remind others every day to buckle up when they get in their vehicle.
Why You Should Buckle Up
Buckling up may be the most important action you can take when getting into a vehicle. Stay safe by always using a seat belt.
Rural 2-Lane Road Safety
We all share the same road. Always take caution when traveling on rural, two-lane roadways.
Is Your Car Seat Installed Correctly?
Keep your child safely secured every time they're in the car.