“Secure Your Load” is a national campaign designed to remind and encourage drivers to make sure whatever they’re hauling in their vehicle is secure.
Oklahoma Transportation and the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority are joining Keep Oklahoma Beautiful, the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office and Department of Public Safety to recognize National Secure Your Load Day Monday, June 6. Gov. Stitt declared June 6-12 as Secure Your Load Week in the state of Oklahoma.
This campaign makes for safer roads and helps reduce litter in the state, of which ODOT and OTA maintenance forces spend more than $6 million to clean highways of debris and litter annually, in addition to the efforts of many volunteers.
Nationally in 2019, there were 739 deaths and nearly 90,000 crashes caused by road debris. In the past three years in Oklahoma, 17 motorists were killed in unsecured load-related crashes. Drivers can decrease their chances of being involved in a road debris crash by securing vehicle loads, maintaining their vehicle and driving defensively.

Don't take risks
Don't take risks with your load security -
it could mean saving a life.
Securing your load on your vehicle can save lives and the planet. Did you know:
A 20-pound object at 55 mph has a force of 1,000 pounds at impact.
(Source: Robin Abel, Secure Your Load Day founder)
More than 1 billion pieces of litter from unsecured loads were estimated among U.S. roadways in 2020.
(Source: Keep America Beautiful 2020 National Litter Study)
Drivers can decrease their chances of being involved in a road debris crash by:
Identifying the type of cargo being transported ahead of time to make sure you have the right devices or equipment to secure safely. Cargo must be secured against leaking, spilling, blowing or falling from your vehicle.
Securing Vehicle Loads: When moving or towing furniture, it is important to make sure all items are secured. Inspect devices and anchor points regularly to ensure they’re not damaged, defective or weakened. Cargo securement devices must not be defective or weakened.
To properly secure a load, drivers should:
Tie down load with rope, netting or straps
Tie large objects directly to the vehicle or trailer
Cover the entire load with a sturdy tarp or netting
Don’t overload the vehicle
Always double check load to make sure it is secure
Maintaining Vehicles: Badly worn or underinflated tires often suffer blowouts that can leave pieces of tire on the roadway. Exhaust systems and the hardware that attach to the vehicle also can rust and corrode, causing mufflers and other parts to drag and eventually break loose. Potential tire and exhaust system problems easily can be spotted by trained mechanics.
Driving Defensively: Drivers should avoid tailgating and continually search the road at least 12 to 15 seconds ahead for debris. If you see you are about to make contact with debris, safely reduce your speed as much as possible prior to making contact.